Craig School of Business
Business Advising and Student Experiences (BASE)
The academic advisors at the Craig School of Business Advising Center help business students identify and schedule appropriate courses necessary to satisfy university, business school, and option graduation requirements. The office also helps students with various administrative issues including declaring a business option, articulation of courses taken at other universities, clearing prerequisites to allow enrollment in restricted courses, and guiding students regarding academic probation (including readmission).
B.A.S.E Spring Hours
Office Location: Peters Business Building (PB) 185
Spring Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00am-12pm; 1:00pm- 5:00pm
The Craig School of Business Academic Advisors are experiencing long wait times for appointments. Please email them directly should you have any questions. Please note that email responses are not immediate. They will be responded to in-between and after scheduled appointments. Please allow 3-5 BUSINESS days for a response.
The Craig School of Business Academic Advisors are experiencing long wait times for appointments and are booked unitl December. Please email them directly should you have any questions. Please note that email responses are not immediate. They will be responded to in-between and after scheduled appointments. Please allow 3-5 BUSINESS days for a response.
For all advising questions and appointment requests, please contact your advisor directly using the alphabetical breakdown below based on your last name. Please include the requested details, also listed below, to expedite your request. Please do NOT email all advisors.
1. Your Fresno State Student ID number
2. A reliable phone number to reach you
3. Days of the week and times that you can meet (please do not include specific dates)
4. Please include your Catalog Year and Major/Option
5. A detailed reason for your email, and the assistance you need
Note: there may be a delay in response time due to the volume of emails being received.
If all information is not included in your email, an appointment will not be scheduled. Please note that follow-up questions may be asked to seek clarification for the appointment.
We look forward to working with you shortly! Thank you!
For all advising questions please email your assigned advisor. Please do NOT email all advisors.
Note the following items that can be requested via email.
Items that will be provided:
- Quick questions (if the email chain is more than 3 emails, you will need to come in during in-person drop-ins)
- Next term course choices
- Graduation checks
- Checking graduation plans prepared by a student.
Items that will not provided:
- Updated flowcharts (we will check a flowchart you prepared but we will no longer provide a flowchart via email)
- Provide graduation plans (we will check the graduation plan you prepared)
- Provide updated advising packets
Note: there may be a delay in response time due to the volume of emails being received.
We will also require students to provide their student ID number when emailing. Please see the template below for how to email offices on campus:
"Hi, (Advisor name),
My name is Victor E. Bulldog IV, 100100100. I am currently a Pre-Business student. I will be declaring my option at the end of this semester in Finance with a catalog year of 2021. I would appreciate your assistance on _____________.
Thank you,
Any emails that are not sent from the students Fresno State email or that does not have their student ID may not be responded to.
We look forward to working with you shortly! Thank you!
Starting January 22, the BASE team will be hosting in-person drop-ins on Wednesday morings from 9:00am- 11:00am and Wednesday afternoons from 1:30pm-3:30pm.
These drop-ins will be for students who have quick questions and will not exceed 30 minutes in time with the advisor. Please note the drop-ins are first come, first serve. Once students have checked in, they must stay in our office or designated waiting area to be called. Please note if you are not here at the time of being called, you will not been seen.
Students must bring a valid form of ID (Fresno State ID or Drivers License) and may be required to wear a mask.
We will not have drop-ins on these dates:
February 5 (1:30-3:30 cancelled)
February 12 (1:30-3:30 cancelled)
February 26 (9:00-11:00 cancelled)
March 5 (1:30-3:30 cancelled)
April 2 (1:30-3:30 cancelled)
April 16 (spring break, all day cancelled)
April 23 (registration week, all day cancelled)
May 7 (1:30-3:30 cancelled)
If you have the following, you will not be seen for a drop-in:
- Registration Holds: you will have an email regarding how to clear these holds.
- Transfer Advising
- Probation
- College Advising
- Second Semester Freshman
- Change of Major: please use our change of major process (see the I want to change my major tab)
For all advising questions and appointment requests, please contact your advisor directly using the alphabetical breakdown below based on your last name. Please include the requested details, also listed below, to expedite your request. Please do NOT email all advisors.
1. Your Fresno State Student ID number
2. A reliable phone number to reach you
3. Days of the week and times that you can meet (please do not include specific dates)
4. Please include your Catalog Year and Major/Option
5. A detailed reason for your email, and the assistance you need
Note: there may be a delay in response time due to the volume of emails being received.
If all information is not included in your email, an appointment will not be scheduled. Please note that follow-up questions may be asked to seek clarification for the appointment.
We look forward to working with you shortly! Thank you!
Please use the following link to request a Third Attempt Form to be submitted on your behalf. Please do one form per course. You will be emailed once the submission has been sent on your behalf. If an advisor sees any issue with your form, you will be contacted via email.
Third Attempt Request:
DS 123: For students needing to take DS 123 for a third time, please complete the following form in addition to the above form:
Once you have completed your Pre-Business courses (ACCT 4A, ACCT 4B, DS 71, DS 73, IS 52 and 52L, BA 18, ECON 40 and ECON 50) and have a campus and cumulative GPA of a 2.25 please use this link to declare your option.
If you have any questions regarding declaring your option, please email your assigned academic advisor to request a special review.
If you want to change your major to Business Administration, Economics or Fashion Merchandising please follow the steps outlined below
Click here for more information about changing your major.
Students are eligible to change their major if they meet the following critieria:
- Have good academic standing (2.0 campus and cumulative GPA).
- Have less than 144 units at degree completion.
If you are unable to change your major due to your academic standing, you will want to work with your advisor to work on the appropriate courses that will work for your intended major.
Please keep in mind that if you are planning to change your major into Pre-Business, you will eventually need to get your GPA to a 2.25 to declare your option.
We encourage students to change their major as soon as possible. Our major is a high unit major and the more courses you take that do not count towards the Business Administration major can count against you when trying to change your major.
The best time of the year to change your major is 1-2 months prior to registration. We can assist you with registering for the correct courses for the next term.
If you reach out right before the term begins, it can be more challenging for you to find open courses to satisty degree requirements.
Once you watch the Change of Major video and successfully complete the quiz an advisor will review your information between 3-7 business days. Please allow 3-7 business days before contacting your advisor.
If you are eligible to change your major, your new advisor will provide you with a change of major packet. If you are ineligible to change your major, your advisor will let you know why you are unable to change your major and what your options are at that time.
If you want to change your major outside of Business Administration, Economics or Fashion Merchandising, please contact the appropriate advising center you wish to change your major to.
College of Arts and Humanities Advising and Support Center
College of Health and Human Services Advising and Career Development Center
College of Science and Mathematics Advising and Resource Center
College of Social Sciences Advising Center
Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Lyles College of Engineering Advising Center
If you are unsure which advising center to contact for your intended major, visit the catalog to explore where the new major is located.
Do you have an internship and want to be enrolled in the Internship (195i/191i) course?
CLICK HERE to begin the paperwork to earn credit for your work experience.
Are you ready to graduate? Here are some helpful steps to help ensure your success in and outside of the classroom.
Be sure to run a degree progress report for your remaining courses. If anything looks incorrect, be sure to email your assigned advisor for a grad check, no appointment is necessary. Be sure to send the following information:
- Name
- ID number
- Major/ Option
- Term you are planning to complete your degree in
- The issue you see or any questions regarding your degree requirements
Don't wait until your degree is in your hand to start applying for jobs! Be sure to attend the semesterly Career Fairs, meet with the Career Development Center Liaison (Adrian Ramirez, and take the appropriate steps to be interview ready.
See a more detailed plan here!
Need additional career resources, click here!
Be sure to complete your degree requirements with the appropriate grades needed for your major and GPA. You must have a minimum C grade in all major coursework as well as a 2.0 GPA for your campus, cumulative and major GPA.
Honors are listed as the following:
Honors at the time of graduation from the university are awarded to undergraduate students based on the following criteria:
Students must have an overall minimum grade point average of 3.5 on all work attempted.
Students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on all work taken at the university.
The grade point average earned at Fresno State determines which honors the student
Summa Cum Laude (highest honors) 3.90 to 4.00
Magna Cum Laude (high honors) 3.70 to 3.89
Cum Laude (honors) 3.50 to 3.69
Since the requirement for honors could change, students are requested to check the current General Catalog for the criteria in effect at the time of graduation.
Please note that there is a difference between graduation and commencement. You must apply for graduation regardless of if you wish to walk in commencement. Applying for graduation will grant you your degree and will automatically include your name on the list for commencement in Spring. You have the choice to participate in commencement if you apply for graduation. PARTICIPATING IN COMMENCEMENT WITHOUT A GRADUATION APPLICATION DOES NOT GRANT YOU A DEGREE.
The Craig School of Business Commencement is held every spring. You can find more information regarding the ceremony here.
Additional B.A.S.E Resources
Robin Harper
Pronouns: He/Him
Academic Advisor
Experience: Robin has worked for the Craig School of Business since spring 2013. Prior to joining the Craig School of Business, he worked in sales with the Fresno Grizzlies and in a CPA firm called Bandy and Associates. Robin is an Undocu Ally.
Education: Robin obtained his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing in 2012 and a Master of Business Administration at Fresno State in 2023.
Personally: Robin has a number of hobbies and activities. He spends most of his time outside of work playing basketball, wakeboarding, reading, and drawing. He also enjoys playing board games and cards with friends.
Check out my virtual office!
Lily Oceguera
Pronouns: She/Her
Lead Academic Advisor
Experience: Lily has been on campus both as a student and professional since 1996. Her previous advising experience comes from working as a Graduation Coach with the Title V-HSI program, Commitment to Latina/o Academic Success and Excellence (CLASE) at Fresno State. In that position, she helped students with academic advising and also assisted in whatever else was needed during the inception of this program. Lily also worked at the Psychology Advising Office at Fresno State as a Graduate Intern Advisor before landing her current position with the Craig School of Business in 2013. Lily is an UndocU Ally, VetNet Ally, and Safe Zone Ally.
Education: Lily is a two-time graduate of Fresno State, earning her Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration-Human Resource Management option and her Master of Science in Counseling-Counseling and Student Services option.
Personal: Lily was born and raised in southern Monterey County. She moved here to attend Fresno State and has lived here ever since. Lily and her husband have a school-aged son. She enjoys playing video games with her son, catching up on her favorite t.v. shows, and going for walks on campus.
Check out my virtual office!
Priscilla GilletteBerg
Pronouns: She/Her/Ella
Academic Advisor
Experience: Priscilla has worked on the Fresno State campus
since 2015 as a student assistant. In 2018 she became staff working with
students with disabilities and has now joined the Craig School of Business January
2024. Priscilla continues to serve as an advocate for students with
disabilities and is currently apart of the SSD Consultation Board. Prior to CSB
she was part of the Professional Growth and Leadership Academy, served on
multiple hiring committees, and earned the Central California WESTOP TRIO
Advocate of the Year in 2020. Priscilla is an UnDocu Ally, Vet Net Ally, and
Safe Zone Ally.
Education: Priscilla is a two-time alumna of Fresno State
earning a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Science in Counseling.
Most of her graduate educational background is in therapy but holds nine years
of experience working in Higher Ed.
Personal: Priscilla is a wife to her high school sweetheart
and a mother to a toddler. She enjoys spending time with her family, catching
up on binge worthy shows, reading a good book, making handmade polymer clay
earrings, cooking/baking for her family, taking long drives to the coast, and going
on an adventure to explore nature.
Aide Navarro
Pronouns: She/Her/Ella
Academic Advisor
Experience: Coming Soon
Education: Coming Soon
Personal: Coming Soon
Degree Flowcharts
Craig School of Business Minors
Craig School of Business Certificates
Career Resources
University Resources
Dog Days Resources
Want to Apply to Fresno State?
Fresno State Admissions and Records
The B.A.S.E Advisors are unable to meet with students until after they have attended Dog Days. If you have any questions, you can contact for any questions.
Fresno State Admissions and Records
Helpful Transfer Tips
The B.A.S.E Advisors are unable to meet with students until after they have attended Dog Days. If you have any questions, you can contact for any questions.