Dr. Andreas Stratemeyer received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas
at Austin, and his MBA and Ph.D. in Business Administration from New Mexico State
University. Prior to joining Fresno State University, he was an Assistant Professor
at the University of Texas at El Paso. He has taught many courses, including Principles
of Marketing, Advertising Strategy, Services Marketing, Retailing, Marketing Strategy,
and Marketing Research, for both undergraduate and graduate courses. He has also been
a faculty advisor on many graduate projects and theses.
Prior to his academic career, Dr. Stratemeyer worked in the advertising industry and
has since worked as a marketing research consultant for several years. He is a Board
Member of the Marketing Management Association and a reviewer for several academic
journals and other academic associations. He is also the recipient of several awards,
including the induction into Beta Gamma Sigma International Honorary Society, the
recipient of the Marketing Management Association best paper award, and the Craig
School of Business Faculty Award for Research.
Currently, Dr. Stratemeyer's research interests include research in the areas of service
failures, service recovery efforts, and consumer satisfaction. CRM (Customer Relationship
Management) is also an area of interest.
Dr. Stratemeyer's academic publications have appeared in the following journals: Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness; American Journal of Management;
The Open Education Journal; Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education; The Open
Business Journal; Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing; Journal of Business Disciplines;
Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship; Journal of Consumer Marketing;
Academy of Marketing Science Review; Journal of Entrepreneurship Education; Services
Marketing Quarterly; and the Journal of Small Business Strategy. He has also published a book chapter and presented at several marketing conferences.