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Department of Marketing and Logistics

Student Activities & Clubs

The Craig School of Business has a number of clubs and organizations that can provide students with both professional and personal growth opportunities. The primary organization for Marketing option students is Fresno State American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapter (AMA). Spring 2013 AMA Members

The American Marketing Association

The American Marketing Association (AMA) was established in 1937 by visionaries in marketing and academia. Today, the AMA has grown to be one of the largest marketing associations in the world, with over 30,000 members who work, teach and study in the field of marketing across the globe.

As the leading organization for marketers, AMA is the trusted go-to resource for marketers and academics. We are counted on as the most credible marketing resource where our members can stay relevant with knowledge, training and tools to enhance lifelong learning and obtain valuable information and connections.

The AMA is constantly innovating and evolving, helping to shape the field as well as keep abreast of the changing global marketplace to help our members excel in their careers.

No other organization provides more ways for marketers and academics to connect with the people and resources they need to be successful.

Our Mission

The AMA is a professional association for individuals and organizations leading the practice, teaching and development of marketing knowledge worldwide.

Our principle role is to serve as a forum to connect like-minded individuals and foster knowledge sharing, provide resources, tools and training and support marketing practice and thought leadership around the globe.

Being an AMA collegiate member offers many benefits, from career resources, to professional development, planning and execution of collegiate chapter events, to taking part in the many marketing competitions offered annually. AMA collegiate members put classroom theory into practice!

ama logo

AMA Collegiate Chapter

Craig School of Business at Fresno State


Whereas we believe that a group of college students interested in the field of marketing should organize for mutual benefit, we hereby establish a collegiate chapter of the American Marketing Association which shall be known as Fresno State American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapter (AMA).


The purpose of the Fresno State AMA Chapter shall be:

  • To foster scientific study and research in the field of marketing;
  • To develop sound thinking in marketing theory and more exact knowledge and definition of marketing principles;
  • To improve the methods and techniques of marketing research;
  • To develop better public understanding and appreciation of marketing problems;
  • To study and discuss legislation and judicial decisions regarding marketing;
  • To improve marketing personnel;
  • To record progress in marketing through the publication of outstanding papers;
  • To encourage and uphold sound, honest practices, and to keep marketing operations on a high ethical plane;
  • To promote friendly relations between students, faculty, and business people.


Membership in the organization shall be open to all those regularly enrolled California State University, Fresno students who are interested in membership. Membership shall be open to students of any major who are interested in marketing and any other individuals who are approved by the board of directors. Each regular member has equal rights and privileges.


Any individual approved for membership must become a member of the American Marketing Association.


Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions shall not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.


The board of directors shall be the faculty advisor, president, executive vice president, vice president of communications, vice president of finance, vice president of programs, vice president of membership, and vice president of advertising and promotions, as well as any other officers deemed necessary by the collegiate chapter.


The board of directors and the chapter officers shall be elected in the spring of each year to serve the following year. The faculty advisor shall be chosen as provided in Article V.


All elected officers shall be chosen by secret ballot, and nominations shall be made from the floor. The candidates receiving a plurality of all votes caste shall be elected.


Any board member or other elected officer who fails to fulfill the terms of office or to serve in an agreed-upon official capacity may be removed. Such action shall be effective only upon a majority vote of the board of directors taken at an official meeting called for such purpose.


Board of directors positions may only be held by students enrolled in the business major. Qualifications necessary to hold office in this organization are as follows: The president and treasurer of the student organization are required to meet the minimum requirements established for Minor Student Representative Student Officers.

Minimum Academic Qualifications

Students must be matriculated and enrolled at a CSU campus and maintain a minimum overall 2.0 grade point average eachterm. The students must be in good standing and must not be on probation of any kind.

Incumbent Unit Load

This requires undergraduate students to earn six semester (nine quarter) units per term while holding office. Graduate and credential students must earn three semester (four quarter) units per term while holding office.

Incumbent Maximum Allowable Units

Undergraduate students are allowed to earn a maximum of 150 semester (225 quarter) units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, whichever is greater. Graduate and credential students are allowed to earn a maximum of 50 semester (75 quarter) units or 167 percent of the units required for the graduate or credential objective, whichever is greater. Students holding more than this number of units will no longer be eligible for minor student government office.


The president's duties shall be to present at all meetings, to appoint all special committees, and to be the chairperson of the board of directors.


The executive vice president shall perform the duties of the president in the president's absence. In the event of vacancy of the presidency, the executive vice president shall succeed to the presidency. The executive vice president may also be referred to as co-president when necessary.


The vice president of communications shall keep all records, except financial, handle written correspondence, perform such other related duties as the president delegates, and prepare a written report of each meeting which will be read at the next meeting.


The vice president of finance shall collect all collegiate chapter funds and deposit them in an account on behalf of the collegiate chapter of the American Marketing Association. He/she shall work closely with the vice president of membership in collecting the AMA dues. He/she will be responsible for making all necessary expenditures when authorized by the president and faculty advisor, keeping financial records, and submitting a written financial report to the collegiate chapter at the last regular meeting of each semester. He/she will perform such related duties as the president shall delegate.


The vice president of membership shall provide an AMA student membership application to all potential student members. He/she shall check each application for accuracy, making sure all information requested is given and keep accurate membership records. In accordance with the chapter's determined goals, he/she shall conduct an active and aggressive membership campaign.


The vice president of programs has responsibility for developing, recommending, and implementing programs for the collegiate chapter. Additional chairpersons may be appointed by the president to handle special programs such as projects and seminars.


The vice president of advertising and promotion is primarily responsible for promoting the events and affairs of the collegiate chapter to the school, community, and AMA Headquarters.


Officers may be recalled from office for cause. To initiate a recall election, a petition signed by one-third of the total number of voting members must be submitted at a regular meeting and a recall vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting. The officer subject to recall shall be given written notice of the recall at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at which the recall vote will be held and shall be given an opportunity to provide a defense. A two-thirds vote is required to remove an officer.


In the event that an elected officer is unable to fulfill his/her term of office, there shall be a special election to fill the vacancy. Any eligible member, including those already holding office, may be nominated for a vacant office.


The organization shall appoint an individual employed on a halftime or more basis as a faculty or staff member by California State University, Fresno to serve as the university advisor to the organization. Auxiliary staff and student assistants are not eligible to serve as advisors. The advisor shall fulfill the responsibilities specified in the Handbook for Student Organizations and Use of Campus Facilities and Grounds. The faculty advisor must be a professional member of the Association. In schools where the chapter may select its own advisor, this should be done in conjunction with and approved by the administration of the college/university.


The advisor will serve for at least one full school year, shall attend the meetings of the collegiate chapter, and shall aid and advise the group on matters under consideration.


The faculty advisor shall be responsible for the continuity of records and other property of the collegiate chapter.


Additional faculty members may be asked to join the appointed faculty advisor whenever the tasks involved make it feasible to have additional faculty representation. (However, only one member of the faculty may vote as a board member as indicated in Section 1, that person being the designated faculty advisor.)


The faculty advisor shall be the official contact with the American Marketing Association Headquarters.


If an advisor is deemed to be ineffective by the organization, the advisor(s) may be removed from their role by majority vote of a quorum of the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. A minimum of seven days’ notice must be given prior to such a vote.


Regular meetings shall be scheduled bi-weekly during the academic year.


Special meetings may be called by any elected officer. All members must be given a minimum of 24 hour notice prior to the meeting time.


Business cannot be conducted unless a quorum of the membership is present. A quorum for this organization is defined as a majority of the voting membership. A quorum for this organization is defined as 50%+1 of the voting membership.


This organization has the ability to assess the membership for special purposes. Assessments shall be determined by a quorum of the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting.


Members who have not paid their dues or special assessments by the due date shall be considered as not being in good standing and shall lose all membership privileges, including voting, until the dues are paid.


Organization funds shall not be used to purchase or reimburse members for alcoholic beverages.


Any member may be suspended or expelled from the organization for conduct obviously contrary to the Constitution of the organization or for conduct which grossly impairs the rights of members to enjoy the benefits of the organization. The alleged offense must be in writing and submitted by a member. After the alleged offense has been submitted to the organization, the accused member shall have a right to a hearing before the organization at a regular meeting and may be suspended or expelled only upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the voting members present. The accused member has the right to appeal an adverse decision at a regular meeting, and the accused member shall be reinstated unless the suspension or expulsion is again approved by three-fourths vote.


The membership shall review the hearing report in executive session, and the member accused of misconduct shall have an opportunity to rebut the information in the report. After providing a statement to the membership, the member accused of misconduct shall leave the room for the remainder of deliberations.


The membership shall vote first on whether the member has engaged in misconduct. If by a two-thirds vote, the membership determines that misconduct has occurred, the membership shall then by a two-thirds vote, determine appropriate sanction(s). The accused member shall be immediately notified of the outcome.


By a two-thirds vote, the membership may reinstate a member who has been suspended or expelled.


The University can place an organization on probation for failure to observe regulations and responsibilities, as well as financial obligations on campus.


Official recognition of a student organization may be withdrawn for hazing. Hazing is defined as any method of initiation into a student organization or any pastime or amusement engaged in with regard to such an organization which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, or physical or emotional harm, to any member of the campus community; but the term “hazing” does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions. Organizations or individuals found guilty of violation of this section of the Education Code will be subject to suspension by the University. (Title 5, California Education Code, Subchapter 4, Article 1, Section 40301).


If an organization loses recognition or benefits as a result of action taken by the Director of Student Involvement, it may appeal to the Dean of Students.


A final appeal may be filed with the Dean of Students within ten (10) work days after receiving written notification from the Director of Student Involvement if the organization does not accept the decision and/or the sanctions. The written appeal must state all reasons why the student organization does not accept the decision of the Director of Student Involvement. The Dean of Students may meet with organization representatives or make his/her decision based on the information submitted for review and the written request for appeal. Written notification of his/her decision and any sanctions shall be sent to the organization within ten (10) working days after having received the appeal. The decision of the Dean of Students is final.


A description of the student club & organization conduct review process is available:


There shall be the following standing committees: the board of directors, the program committee, and the membership committee.


The board of directors, which consists of all the elected officers and the advisor of the collegiate chapter at FSAMA Collegiate Chapter, shall decide on the policies of the group, as well as aid and advise the president of his/her duties


The membership committee, under the supervision of the vice president of membership, shall enlist all eligible persons desiring to join FSAMA Collegiate Chapter, and perform such other related duties as the president shall delegate.


The program committee, under the supervision of the vice president of programs shall arrange programs for the FSAMA Collegiate Chapter and perform such other related duties as the president shall delegate.


The president shall appoint any other committees as deemed necessary.


The records of the FSAMA Collegiate Chapter shall consist of a minutes book, membership records, and financial records, as well as any other such records as the chapter deems necessary.


In the event the FSAMA Collegiate Chapter should become defunct, all assets will be turned over to The Department of Marketing at the Craig School of Business to be used to promote student marketing programs on the campus.


The constitution, together with the bylaws, shall constitute the operating basis of the chapter.


The constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present, with proper notification having first been given to the entire membership.


Bylaws may be added or amended by a majority vote of the members present, with proper notification having first been given to the entire membership.

Bylaws of the FSAMA Collegiate Chapter


The collegiate chapter will be responsible for renewing its charter with the American Marketing Association each year. Upon notification by the Association, the chapter will submit the following to renew its affiliation:

  • 10 AMA student member minimum
  • Collegiate Chapter Officer Report Form
  • Chapter Plan
  • Annual Report
  • Update of the chapter constitution
  • Other items as required by the Association

These items are considered to be AMA policy and must be included in the constitution and followed by the collegiate chapter.


FSAMA Collegiate Chapter’s dues shall be $25 per year, paid to the vice president of finance, whose responsibility it will be to hold the collegiate chapter dues, and send the accurate amount to AMA Headquarters with correlating membership applications. Checks may be made payable to the FSAMA Collegiate Chapter.


A copy of the constitution of the FSAMA Collegiate Chapter shall be provided for each member of the board of directors. The constitution will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is in keeping with the needs and activities of the collegiate chapter.


The number, location and times of meetings shall be determined by the board of directors. Notice of all such meetings shall be posted or sent in writing to all members not less than five days in advance of the date set for the meeting.

Date approved by the chapter: December 13, 2012