Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Tutoring & Help
DS Tutoring Lab (Not Currently Offered)
Enroll Now in DS 71L, 73L, or 123L
These are one-unit credit/no credit courses offered to support all students enrolled
in a Decision Sciences course.
- Any Wednesday evening you need help 6:45 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. in PB-012
- Weekly attendance NOT mandatory
- Must attend, but not every week
- For all students enrolled in: DS 71, DS 73, or DS 123
A DS Instructor will be assisted by student tutors, ready to answer your questions. You need to bring:
- Your textbooks,
- Your notes,
- Your calculator,
- A pencil,
- Some paper,
- Lots of questions,
- Your patience,
- And your good humor!
We expect to offer one-on-one tutoring, small group instruction, and technology-enhanced instruction. We hope to coordinate student study groups. And we hope to help you learn.
This class is offered to supplement your normal classroom experience, not stand in lieu of it. You go to class. And when you need help doing homework outside of class, come see us. You must attend your DS class to qualify for this program. Students currently enrolled in and regularly attending DS 71, DS 73, or DS 123 are eligible to enroll in the corresponding "L" course for one unit of credit. Credit will be earned by attending one of the Wednesday night sessions.
CIS Tutoring
No special tutoring sessions are established. CIS students should arrange for help with their instructors and lab assistants.