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Accelerated Bachelors Program

Accelerate Your Future

The Accelerated Bachelors in Business Administration (ABBA) provides you with an opportunity to complete your degree within 17 months. The ABBA program was designed as a Special Option with focus on general knowledge in Business Administration. The courses are taught in a cohort format (you will go through all the courses with the same group of students from start to finish), in the evenings and on weekends. Approximately one third of the courses will be offered online. Due to the nature of this program, the seating is limited.

The classes are held at Fresno State campus (Craig School of Business).*  

Apply Now

1. Complete and submit the ABBA interest form : 

2. After you submit, someone will contact you asking for your unofficial transcripts and begin the application process.

* If the program does not meet the minimum number of enrolled participants, the classes and the program are subject to cancellation and/or postponement to a later date.  


Our Address:

ABBA Program
Craig School of Business
5245 N. Backer Ave, M/S PB 5
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740

Contact Us

Email: ABBA Program Administration